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Friday 26 May 2023

Creature di Sabbia Project - Tomorrow the return of the results of the artist residency work

Auditorium del Museo S. Catromediano - Lecce. Start: h. 10,00

Tomorrow, 27 May starting at 10.00 am at the Auditorium Museo Castromediano, in Lecce, the final meeting of the first phase of the project ‘Creature di Sabbia’ will be held, with the students and curators of the project as protagonists. The event is open to the public.

The curators of the residency, Andrea Laudisa and Alice Caracciolo will present, together with the residents, the works developed during the residency stage.

The group of residents is made up of Arab four female artists of Muslim origin and culture -alumni of Fine Arts Academies- and four female peers of similar nationality and religion resident in Lecce and active in the field of intercultural mediation.

The four students selected from among those who responded to the Call sent to all the Italian Fine Arts Academies and Faculties of Arts and Performing Arts are: Mehrnoosh Roshanaei, Iranian, student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, Rafika Ferchichi, Tunisian, enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bari, Salma Hilmi, Moroccan, and Khatereh Safajoo, Iranian, both from the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin.

The cultural workers, also of Arab culture, are the Afghan sisters Asyra Amani,  Latifa Amani and Maliha Amani, trainees in the framework of the S.A.I. Union 3 Reception Project of Cooperativa Rinascita, or Salentine Muslims, such as the intercultural mediator Nunzia Bushra Todaro, resident in Lecce and all engaged in social studies and mediation activities with Arab culture, also thanks to the local Islamic community that is a partner in the project. They are joined by Maryam Barak, already winner of a university scholarship within the Culture Builds the Future project, promoted by the Emmanuel Foundation and today Social Media Moderator at the International Rescue Committee (IRC), who lives and works in Rome.

The results will also include contributions from:

Irene Strazzeri, Associate Professor Sociology of Globalisation, Unisalento;
Francesca Grisot, PhD in Languages, Cultures and Society from Ca' Foscari University of Venice, coordinator of the Migration Commission of the Italian National Association of Anthropology Professionals, President of OdV 2030;
Lorena Carbonara, professor of language and translation at the University of Calabria - Concorso Lingua Madre.



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