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Thursday 14 December 2023

Alessandro Manzoni. La tradizione in viaggio a 150 anni dalla scomparsa (Alessandro Manzoni. Tradition on the move, 150 years after his death)

"Alessandro Manzoni. Tradition on the move, 150 years after his death". A meeting with experts, teachers and students to celebrate Alessandro Manzoni 150 years after his death. 14 January 2023 - 5.30 p.m., Ex Conservatorio Sant’Anna, via Libertini, 1 - Lecce


150 years after his death, the figure of Alessandro Manzoni and his message are more alive than ever. The Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency celebrates this cultural vitality on 14 December 2023, in Lecce, at the spaces of the ex Conservatorio Sant'Anna, in via Libertini 1, starting at 5.30 p.m., with a meeting entitled Alessandro Manzoni. La tradizione in viaggio a 150 anni dalla scomparsa (Alessandro Manzoni. Tradition on the move, 150 years after his death).  

The event proposes a journey into the memory of Italian literature, exploring Manzoni's roots through a comparative and dialogical re-reading of language, history, literature, philosophy and religion.

The initiative, organised by the Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo and curated by Prof. Pierfranco Bruni - writer, intellectual, poet and Italianist, former director of Mibac and confirmed candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature - was born in the context of the national scientific project "Manzoni 150". This project is dedicated to Alessandro Manzoni on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his death and involves various cultural associations and school institutes of all levels from different regions of Italy.

It has the patronage of the Chamber of Deputies and the Municipality of Milan, as well as prestigious cultural institutes such as the Sindacato Libero Scrittori Italiani in Rome and the Associazione Verso un Nuovo Rinascimento.

It also includes the publication of a volume by Solfanelli Editore entitled Alessandro Manzoni a 150 anni dalla morte - L'Italiano tra letteratura, filosofia e storia (Alessandro Manzoni 150 years after his death - Italian between literature, philosophy and history), which aims to contextualise Manzoni's work through a theme that includes language, poetry, tragedy and the novel. This volume is the starting point for the work of this Lecce chapter of the Manzoni 150 project, patronised  by the Regione Puglia, the Municipality of Lecce and the University of Salento

After the institutional greetings, Prof. Pierfranco Bruni opens the proceedings, followed by the speeches of Prof. Annarita Miglietta, Professor of Italian Linguistics at the University of Salento, and Prof. Marilena Cavallo, member of the ‘Manzoni 150’ Scientific Committee. The meeting is moderated by Senator Adriana Poli Bortone, President of the Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo.

Together with the institutional guests and experts, a number of students from the Liceo Classico e Musicale ‘G. Palmieri’, the Liceo Scientifico ‘Giulietta Banzi Bazoli’, the Liceo Scientifico ‘Cosimo De Giorgi’ and the Liceo Artistico e Coreutico ‘Ciardo Pellegrino’, accompanied by their teachers, are the protagonists of the meeting.

The students act as directors, performers and protagonists of a Lectura Manzoni and a debate on the theme ‘The language and the novel of the characters between national identity and Risorgimento tradition’. The aim is to contribute to the involvement of the younger generations in the celebrations of this important anniversary, stimulating a participatory and aware feeling, aimed at building a more mature awareness of the great legacy of history, culture and knowledge represented by Alessandro Manzoni's work and thought.

The Lectura Manzoni opens with Brevi riflessioni su Manzoni, tra Risorgimento e identità nazionale, in opere poco note, by Matteo Colapietro, Beatrice Balducci and Luigi Macri of the Liceo Scientifico 'Giulietta Banzi Bazoli', coordinated by Professor Anna Rita Faggiano,  followed by the essay "Una scelta coraggiosa" by Sara Caretto from Class V B of the Liceo "Cosimo De Giorgi", accompanied by Professor Rosa Magarelli.

The meeting is also attended by a representation of students from the Liceo Classico e Musicale ‘G. Palmieri’, coordinated by profssors Stefano Fonte, Silvia De Sario and Laura Russo, together with students from the Liceo Artistico e Coreutico ‘Ciardo Pellegrino’, coordinated by Prof. Antonella Gravante and Prof. Margherita Prisco. These students took part in a debate and reflection to highlight the importance of Manzoni in his role as a ferryman from the revolutionary phase to Romanticism, from the Risorgimento era to the twentieth century.

Manzoni unites and gives life to the most vibrant and dynamic forces of Italian and European culture, expressing the desire for freedom, independence, self-determination and a strong revulsion against tyranny, abuse of power, violence and injustice. These ideals make him not only the inspiration and driving force behind our Risorgimento and the unification of Italy, but also a true father of our homeland.

This meeting dedicated to Manzoni is just the latest of many high-profile initiatives undertaken by the Agency to promote and enhance our cultural heritage,' says  Senator Adriana Poli Bortone, President of the Association. It is a valuable new piece in the mosaic of initiatives to promote culture and beauty that the Euromed Agency has been organising and promoting for 20 years.



Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo
Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale

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Administrative Office
Ex Conservatorio Sant'Anna
Via G. Libertini, 1
73100 Lecce - ITALY


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