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Puglia Capitale Sociale 3.0 - Piano A - CUP B85I22002600009


"The destinyBen Jelloun, *Cr of a woman is written like on a table of sand that the wind carries away."
— Tahar Ben Jelloun, Creature of Sand

Understanding the other means, in essence, understanding ourselves better. Only then can we value what makes us unique and strengthen that invisible thread that connects us. It is from this reflection that CREATURES OF SAND arises, a project that delicately and powerfully addresses the theme of the female condition in patriarchal societies, where the fate of many women is fragile and changeable, like grains of sand. The main objective is to promote gender equality and female empowerment, using art as a universal means to transform, heal, and nurture.

Despite Western societies proclaiming equal rights, everyday reality demonstrates how much work remains: from subtle discrimination in social practices to tragic reports of violence. Respect for women can no longer be just an abstract principle; it must become a lived and shared value, particularly among the new generations.

Intercultural and interreligious dialogue thus becomes a crucial tool for breaking down the walls erected by prejudice and oppression. The CREATURES OF SAND project was inspired by the famous novel by Tahar Ben Jelloun, which tells the story of a woman forced to disguise herself as a man to survive in a patriarchal society. It is a universal tale of resilience, but also of resistance, and it resonates strongly throughout the Mediterranean basin, a crossroads of cultures and religions, where even today female identity is often marginalized.

In this context, reflection on historical movements such as the Arab Spring, evoked in the subtitle, seemingly silenced but still alive in its aspirations for freedom and justice, intertwines with the urgency of a "Western Spring." The hope for global change requires a continuous dialogue between different realities, where the struggle for human rights and female emancipation is not confined to a single geographic context but connects transversely across cultures and generations.

The project will select eight young artists from Muslim-majority countries residing in Italy, who are attending Fine Arts Academies or equivalent institutions. These artists will have the opportunity to develop their projects during a creative residency at the "S. Castromediano" Museum in Lecce, interacting with teachers, experts, and Italian colleagues. At the end of the residency, their works will be exhibited in a unique show, with the hope of bringing these creations back to their countries of origin.

The works on display, ranging from photography to painting, from design to graphics, will not only be an artistic testimony but a true intercultural laboratory. The encounter with the local culture, through the DAMS of Lecce and the Bibliomuseale Pole, will enrich the creations with new perspectives. Throughout the process, the artists will collaborate with students from Art Institutes in Salento, sensitized to issues of social justice, gender equality, and the fight against racial and sexist discrimination.

This collaboration will not only stimulate reflection on the "Arab Spring" and the role of culture in the struggles for freedom but will also offer young people the chance to confront the gender inequalities present in their own society. Through art, they will be able to recognize the transformative power of culture as a tool for social change.

The CREATURES OF SAND project represents the bridge between worlds, cultures, and generations. By connecting institutions, artists, and communities, it aims to lay the foundations for a new cultural citizenship capable of challenging prejudices and promoting human rights.

Among the partners of the initiative are:

- Agency for the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage, committed for years to promoting dialogue among the peoples of the Mediterranean;

- Associazione Positivo Diretto, which develops European projects related to social art and supportive landscapes;

- Polo Bibliomuseale di  Lecce, promoting initiatives such as "Misei Accoglienti" and "Il voaggio di Sindbad," which use art to build paths of peace and integration;

- Municipality of Lecce, active in supporting processes of inclusion through culture;

- N.O.I. Salento Association, representing the Muslim community of Lecce and promoting a religion free from political and ideological influences, doing good to correct evil.



Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo
Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale

Phone +39 0832.682552-554
fax +39 0832.682553
E-mail: info@agenziaeuromed.it
PEC: agenziaeuromed@pec.it
Skype: agenzia.euromed

Administrative Office
Ex Conservatorio Sant'Anna
Via G. Libertini, 1
73100 Lecce - ITALY


C.F.93069360753 Lecce 03/06/2003 - P.IVA 03774820751 Lecce 17/02/2004
Iscr. Cost. Reg. delle Persone Giuridiche del 04/08/2006 - Certificato Iso 9001 nr. 50 100 8678
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