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Il tuo Presepe, il nostro Natale’ (’Your Nativity Scene, Our Christmas’)

A virtual showcase dedicated to the popular Nativity scene to celebrate Holy Christmas together




Il tuo Presepe, il nostro Natale(”Your Nativity Scene, Our Christmas ’) is the initiative of the Agency for the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage of Lecce, conceived to collect and share images of nativity scenes created by families, individual citizens, associations, confraternities, parishes, schools, districts and neighbourhoods. A way to celebrate the authentic meaning of Christmas together, overcoming the distances imposed by the Covid 19 health emergency.

Not a competition, therefore, but a review, a virtual exhibition: to participate, all you have to do is send three photographs of your nativity scene (one of which depicting the grotto) by Thursday 24 December 2020, to presepi@agenziaeuromed.it, specifying your name, surname, city. The photographs will be published, in a special virtual album, on the website of the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency(www.agenziaeuromed.it) and on the Association's official social pages.

The shot must exclusively portray the crib and no individual must appear in the frame. By taking part in the initiative, the author declares that he/she owns all the rights to the material submitted, the total originality and intellectual paternity of the same, and that these photographs will remain the property of the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency and may be used without further authorisation, relieving the organisers of all liability.

The virtual exhibition will remain open on the homepage from 15 December to 07 January 2021 and thereafter will always be available in the project section of the website www.agenziaeuromed.it.

‘In a year made so dramatic and difficult by the Covid 19 Pandemic, with this new initiative we wanted to valorise and, above all, protect local traditions and identities,’ explained Sen. Adriana Poli Bortone, President of the Agency for Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage. ’For this reason, in order to overcome the difficulties of organising events and manifestations due to the health emergency, we wanted to open a virtual showcase dedicated to the Holy Crib, defined by Pope Francis as a symbol of rebirth and hope in these difficult times.

Info and regulations available at www.agenziaeuromed.it.


To send your photos: presepi@agenziaeuromed.it

For info: www.agenziaeuromed.it; info@agenziaeuromed.it; presepi@agenziaeuromed.it



Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo
Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale

Phone +39 0832.682552-554
fax +39 0832.682553
E-mail: info@agenziaeuromed.it
PEC: agenziaeuromed@pec.it
Skype: agenzia.euromed

Administrative Office
Ex Conservatorio Sant'Anna
Via G. Libertini, 1
73100 Lecce - ITALY


C.F.93069360753 Lecce 03/06/2003 - P.IVA 03774820751 Lecce 17/02/2004
Iscr. Cost. Reg. delle Persone Giuridiche del 04/08/2006 - Certificato Iso 9001 nr. 50 100 8678
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