Title: Contemporary Art in the Cross-border Regions of Greece and Italy
Start - End: October 2011 – March 2013
Field of Intervention: Strengthening interaction between research/ innovation institutions, SMEs and public authorities
Location: Greece - Italy
Lead Partner: The Public Benefit Enterprise of Culture, Environment, Youth and Athletics of the Municipality of Ioannina
Partners: Municipality of Igoumenitsa (Gr); Municipality of Parga (Gr); Ionian University (Gr); Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency (It)
The aim of the project is to identify and select contemporary artists, particularly living and/or operating in the region of Western Greece and South Italy. The result will be a unique inventory of artists, representing a “cultural map” of the corresponded regions.
The information of each listed artist consists of personal details, extended curriculum vitae as well as representative photos of their work of arts. The collected material will be digitized and provided through a sophisticated multilingual (EN, GR, IT) web-portal, supporting photo imaging, three-dimensional (360 ° image) creations of artists, 360 ° video of workshops and artistic events as well as an online market-place for artists and their creations . At the same time, a number of exploitation and dissemination activities will raise acknowledge to the public and promote the results of the project.
A total of approximately 1000-1200 artists and 4500-5000 photos will be identified and collected.
The project will focus on the following art categories: poetry, literature, painting, music, dance, theatre and architecture, which are of main common interest in the Regions of Western Greece and South Italy.