Title: Information Technologies per la valorizzazioNe, l’ E-learning e la Ricerca in Archeologia
Acronym: I.T.I.N.E.R.A.
Start - End : 2006-2008
Field of Intervention: Measure 6.2 - Information Society - Cultural heritage and tourism
Location: Puglia – Italy
Lead Partner: Department of Human Sciences, Territory and Cultural Heritage - University of Foggia
Partners: DSGP –University of Foggia, Province of Foggia, ISUFI Unilecce, Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency,, DEE - Polytechnic of Bari, TESEO, CLAUDIO GRENZI editore, HGV Soluzione Qualità, CCBC Grafisystem
The pilot project ITINERA, promoted by Department of Human Science of Foggia University , with the collaboration of a broad public-private partnership, aims to establish a Center of Competence and Training for digitization and the creation of cultural and tourist contents and sources of Daunia territory. This Training and Competence Center is conceived as a collector of scientific excellences and expertises in Cultural Heritage and ICT technologies, as well as in management and protection of territory and in business management.
The project contributes to the development digital content industries in Puglia through:
the formalization of shared methodologies for the production of certified digital contents for cultural heritage and focused on enhancing, protection, research, education of territorial cultural heritage ;
activation of tools and operational skills in the Center of Competence (Digitization of sources, virtual reality, Knowledge Management, e-Learning, ICT support for invalids);
the implementation of three demonstrators (3D GIS of the Province of Foggia, multimedia lessons on the production of digital content for Cultural Heritage; application of a model for preservation of digital data to an archaeological research project);
the definition of sustainable business models, design and testing services to companies and institutions, the activation of a university spin-off