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Title:  Pos matome Griko
Acronym:  Griko
Start - End:  January 2011-December 2012
Field of Intervention:  Development and implementation of educational material and courses of Griko language, available on-line also
Location:  Grecia- Italia - Cipro
Lead Partner:  Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency
Partners:  British Hellenic Educational And Development Association (Gr); Alpha Publications (Gr); University of Cyprus (CY);Institute of Mediterranean Cultures (IT) 

The project Pos Matome Griko wants to enhance a new and renewed interest for Griko language, making its teaching and learning easy and interesting through the development of a modern and innovative teaching methodology, supported by multimedia tools applied to ‘language teaching.
The project aims to enhance the study and the development of an all new educational material, which is absolutely innovative for concept and methodology. The traditional educational tools as vocabularies, books, language courses for children and adults, are, in fact, supported by modern ICT applied to education: The website, the e-learning platform and the educational software are an essential part of the method and have been studied and designed to involve and catch the attention of younger people. Nevertheless, we have not forgotten adults who will have access to a comprehensive and integrated educational system for learning Griko at all levels.
The availability of modern teaching materials and the development of specific educational curricula are the strengths of the project to raise awareness on the important cultural and historical role played by Griko in everyday life and behaviour of the Griko speaking population. For this reason this language can and must be protected and preserved.


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Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo
Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale

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E-mail: info@agenziaeuromed.it
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