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PugliArtists - Cycle of contemporary art international exhibitions

With the PugliArtists project, the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency aims to contribute, on the basis of the experiences gained, with Interreg Adrion art Project, to create an “agora”, a space for dialogue, a place of relationships and exchanges between the most innovative experiences and the traditional ones, by renewing it.
PugliArtist project, continuing on the ridge left by Adrion Art, has scheduled 3 international exhibitions and prestigious side events such as debates, talks and meetings with experts and art critics. The location of all project initiatives is the ancient and suggestive space of the “Ex Conservatorio Sant‘Anna“, that has been a site of experimentation and creativity since the year 1600.

Specific objectives of the PugliArtists project are:

- Valorize contemporary artistic heritage of the territory through the synergy of traditional and 2.0 tools (implementation of an on-line and open database);
- Enrich cultural activities by promoting highly innovative cultural activities, as the organization of three exhibitions and workshops;
- Encourage integration and collaboration between the different actors, both public and private, working in the field of culture. Increase local community participation in cultural life;
- Valorize the artistic and monumental historical heritage through the effective use of the same as a place for the realization of cultural events;
- Encourage young people, the project‘s primary target, by planning a social media communication activity (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).


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Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo
Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale

Phone +39 0832.682552-554
fax +39 0832.682553
E-mail: info@agenziaeuromed.it
PEC: agenziaeuromed@pec.it
Skype: agenzia.euromed

Administrative Office
Ex Conservatorio Sant'Anna
Via G. Libertini, 1
73100 Lecce - ITALY


C.F.93069360753 Lecce 03/06/2003 - P.IVA 03774820751 Lecce 17/02/2004
Iscr. Cost. Reg. delle Persone Giuridiche del 04/08/2006 - Certificato Iso 9001 nr. 50 100 8678
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