Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo, in collaboration in collaborazione with the
Municipality of Lecce , the "
Positivo Diretto" Cultural Association , the P
olo Bibliomuseale della Provincia di Lecce and the A
ps Nuova organizzazione islamica Salento, launches a call for selection for young artists attending fine Arts Academies and/or DAMS in Italy .
The call for applications is open to students attending Fine Arts Academies, DAMS or similar faculties from the countries of Africa that look on the Mediterranean Sea and of Middle East.
As part of its planning activity, the Agency obtained co-financing from the Puglia Region for the project proposal "Creature di Sabbia - Creatures of Sand" within the framework of the call Puglia Capitale Sociale 3.0 - Piano A.
The project addresses the issue of gender inequality, discrimination against women and sexist violence, and is developed through moments of creative action and collective reflection. Eight young artists - who meet the above-mentioned requirements - will be selected. They will have the opportunity to develop a project they have in mind or on which they are already working, to verify and compare it with Italian curators, teachers, experts, mediators, participating in artist residency at the “S. Castromediano” Museum in Lecce until they set up, guided by a designated curator, a collective exhibition of their unpublished works.
The phases of the project involving the selected young artists will be divided into four stages:
- An artist residency to be held in S. Castromediano Museum in Lecce, where the artists involved will have the opportunity to work on the conception and realization of works closely related to the theme. Maximum period: spring 2023. Duration: one week. Travel and accommodation costs shall be borne by the project and therefore by the Agency.
- Seminars and thematic talks by nationally renewed experts involving the artists and an audience of young students from the artistic high schools of the province of Lecce;
- A final exhibition, in which the works of the artists in residence will be exhibited A Catalogue, will collect the works created and the testimonies on the project;
The project is open exclusively to students of the Academies or DAMS or similar Faculties from countries of the Mediterranean basin and Middle East temporarily residing in Italy for study purposes.For reason logistics and setting up of the works, the participation of artists specialized in reproducible visual and/or multimedia arts (photography, video art, illustration, public art, design) is recommended
Applicants should fill out and send the attached application by the peremptory deadline of 12:00:00 on 09 January 2023, exclusively by Certified Electronic Mail: and, where not available, by sending the application to the Ordinary Electronic Mail address: