INFODAY POS Matome Griko - LECCE - April 20, 2012
On April 20, 2012 was organized by Euromed Agency an infoday for the project “Pos Matome Griko“ at the University of Salento, addressed to a group of students of the Lyceum of Nea Smirni, Athens.
The meeting was held at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of Salento University, in Lecce.
The project Pos Matome Griko was explained to the students by prof. Isabella Oztasciyan Bernardini, Oztasciyan Bernardini D’ Arnesano, Professor of Modern Greek Language and Literature at the University of Salento and Scientific Responsible of the project “Pos Matome Griko . The students, attended by Professors Maria Petta and Drosoula Baku, showed a great interest in the project and expressed the desire to hold an infoday on the project at their school during the next school year to deepen their knowledge of Griko language and culture. Professors Petta and Baku invited prof. Bernardini to give a lecture of the project at their high school in Athens, during the next school year.