INFODAY POS MATOME GRIKO with a group of students of the I.T.C.S. “G. Calò” (state secondary high technical school) of Oria (Br), April 27, 2012.
On April 27, 2012 Euromed Agency organized an info day to present the project “GRIKO” to a group of students from the I.T.C.S. “G. Calò” (state secondary high technical school) of Oria (Br), also attendees of the courses of Greek language, held in their school by prof. Nikolaos Papazoglou.
The meeting took place in Martignano (LE) in the suggestive location of Palazzo Palmieri, head office of the Cultural association “Parco Turistico Culturale “G.Palmieri”, where, in 2011, the project was presented to the mayors, associations and schools of Greek Salento. The Director of the association, Mr. Leo Rielli, attended the meeting and explained the students activities and aims of the center. He also guided the students in the visit to the palace ant to the ancient underground olive press.
The project Pos Matome Griko was explained to the students by Prof. Isabella Oztasciyan Bernardini, Oztasciyan Bernardini D’ Arnesano, Professor of Modern Greek Language and Literature at the University of Salento and Scientific Responsible of the project “Pos Matome Griko . Great interests for the project and its modern didactic tools was showed by Prof. Gigliola Palazzo and by her students who expressed the will to deepen their knowledge on Griko language and culture.