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Wednesday 05 September 2012

The Citizens Exchange Programme is Now Launched

The Citizens Exchange Programme is Now Launched

 In the framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Regional Programme Citizens for Dialogue (2012-2014), ALF is launching the Citizens Exchange Programme in the Euro-Med Region, with particular focus on the exchange among Arab civil society organisations, and between European and Arab civil society organisations. This twinning scheme seeks to support exchange of people for grassroots expertise, field work actions and awareness campaigns among Civil Society Organisations members in the Euro-Med region. The ALF is seeking to engage young people who are active in their communities and have a long term vision of change. In particular, the Citizens Exchange Programme (2012 – 2014) supports the exchange of active young CSO members in the Euro-Med region for a period of 1 to 3months (preference to 3 months). In principle, this Programme is a traineeship service to work on projects related to the following ALF “4D” themes: Dialogue, Diversity, Democracy and Development.

The Exchange will work on two main modalities:

• Twinning scheme: an organisation can send and host at the same time a Citizen Exchange Actor (CEA) for the same period of time;

• An organisation can only send a CEA to be hosted by another organisation.

Special preference will be given to the Twinning Scheme model.

The Sending Organisation on behalf of the CEA will send the application form (available in English and French only) to cep.applications@bibalex.org.

Deadline for receiving applications: 3 October 2012 at 16:00 EGY time.

Click here to download the Guidelines of the Call (EN)

Click here to download the Application Form (EN)

For more information, please write to nagla.abed@bibalex.org

* This call is open to registered Civil Society Organisations operating in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.

** The official launching event of the Citizens for Dialogue Programme will be in Cairo, end of October 2012 in partnership with the EU Delegation in Cairo.

About Citizens for Dialogue:

This programme is a response from Anna Lindh Foundation to the social and cultural transformations and the democratic transitions in the Arab Southern Mediterranean countries. Funded by the European Union, the programme is taking place during 2012-2014 to provide civil society organisations with the tools and skills for intercultural dialogue, exchange, networking, partnership-making to develop a culture of citizenship and democratic participation. In addition, the programme aims also at revitalising the national Networks of ALF and at supporting the establishment of joint projects between from southern civil societies and new actors of change.


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