The Agency is one of the founding member of “ANNA LINDH ITALIA FEDERATION“, established in 2016, with the aim of capitalizing experience and synergies gained in over 10 years of belonging to the ALF Network and to promote, support and implement the cultural and social interaction between Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean countries.

The non-profit federation shares the aims of the “Anna Lindh Foundation“, created in 2004 by the European Commission together with the 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries, is based in Alexandria, Egypt and is structured in national networks established in their respective countries.

The ANNA LINDH ITALIA FEDERATION Onlus was established with the aim of promoting, supporting and implementing the cultural and social interaction between Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean countries in various fields of action including: art, architecture, archeology, environment, crafts education, childhood, sport, interreligious dialogue, legality, music, food culture, social solidarity, economic and cultural exchanges, human rights, etc.

In particular, the Federation intends to take initiatives in favor of young people, with the aim, in particular, of restoring their hope and trust: one of the objectives is to support exchanges among young people from various Euro-Mediterranean countries through a pilot program similar to Erasmus, identifying strategies to facilitate Mobility, while respecting safety.

Most of the members of the Federation are the founders of the “Anna Lindh Foundation“ in 2004 and represent, as a network of networks, more than 600 organizations that, in fact, share the aims of the Federation. Their activities, characterized by concrete and usefulness for the common good and for the real needs of individuals, have been recognized by official declarations by States, Regions and Institutions of the major Euro-Mediterranean countries officially representing more than 400,000,000 citizens.

The first founding members:Most of the members of the Federation are the founders of the “Anna Lindh Foundation“ in 2004 and represent, as a network of networks, more than 600 organizations that, in fact, share the aims of the Federation. 

The first founding members are: 

Università Pontificia Salesiana – I Salesiani – Agenzia per il patrimonio culturale euromediterraneo – Fondazione Idis Città della Scienza – Maison de la Méditerranée – Movimento per la cooperazione internazionale – PCAint – Rete di Università MUNA (presso l’Università Federico II di Napoli) – Accademia del Mediterraneo – Associazione Futuridea – Fondazione Caponnetto Istituto di Culture Mediterranee – Osservatorio Mediterraneo sulla criminalità organizzata e le mafie – Associazione Leucosia Associazione interculturale Grammelot – Obiettivo Solidarietà onlus – Ceipes – Comune di Pescasseroli – Comune di Furore – Associazione Open-med – Associazione psicologi per la responsabilità sociale – Istituto per la promozione del servizio civile – Associazione Valida – Euromed Centre Ragusa – Associazione sportiva “Margherita sport e vita basket”- Associazione Retlis – Cooperativa sociale Crinali onlus Carlo Rendano Association – Psi.com, – Associazione Occuparti – Rete della società civile Labmed – Associazione di promozione sociale comitato don Peppe Diana – Cooperativa sociale altri orizzonti by Jerry Essan Masslo – Rete di città Euromedcity – Museo della Pace-MAMT – Associazione di volontariato sinistra 2000 – Rete Isolamed – Associazione di volontariato medico-sociale Jerry Essan Masslo – Vitality onlus – Rete di università Almamed – Associazione culturale Punti cospicui – Associazione culturale Anton Stadler – Istituto euro mediterraneo – Y.e.a.s.t.- Fyouture associazione di promozione sociale – Progetto mediterranea – Fondazione Luigi Granese – Fispmed onlus – Astragali teatro-eufonia scrl – Studio Castrolla Fondazione Mediterraneo onlus – Associazione Informagiovani – Cooperativa sociale Studio e progetto 2 – Associazione Expoitaly per il Servizio Civile – Associazione Nuovi Profili – Servizio Civile Internazionale – Associazione Impariamo ad Imparare – Associazione di volontariato “Il mio pezzetto di sole” – Associazione Dica onlus – Associazione Mario Molinari – Associazione Oratorio Evviva Maria Onlus…



Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo
Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale

Phone +39 0832.682552-554
fax +39 0832.682553
E-mail: info@agenziaeuromed.it
PEC: agenziaeuromed@pec.it
Skype: agenzia.euromed

Administrative Office
Ex Conservatorio Sant'Anna
Via G. Libertini, 1
73100 Lecce - ITALY


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