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University of Patras

The university of Patras since its foundation in 1964 has been committed to pioneering teaching and research. Built in a beautiful campus, it offers a true academic environment, making studies in it a true academic experience.

The University plays a co-ordinating role in developmental initiatives for the benefit of the Region of Western Greece, communicating the constantly generated scientific knowledge and know-how to industry.On the international scene the University is very active, participating in a large number of European and international Educational and research programmes and consortia and in all major academic associations. Its forefront scientific research has been recognized internationally. To those of you who will come to the University of Patras, a very warm welcome! The University of Patras was founded in the city of Patras in 11th of November in1964 as a self-administered academic institution under the supervision of the Greek Government. It was established primarily with the intention to concentrate on science, technology, economics, business administration and social sciences.

In the proposal for a new University, which was the result of an International Conference in August 1964, it is stated that the role of the University of Patras is to set an example of a highly qualified Institution of higher learning, serve as a stimulus for the modernisation of the entire Greek higher education system, with priority given to the fields where highly trained personnel will be needed for the realisation of the economic development of the country. The above objectives had, in the course of time, to be adapted to new prospects arising from the recognition of the role of knowledge and technology in social and cultural growth and the contribution the University is expected to make towards solving major regional, national and even international problems.
The opening of the University of Patras took place in the 30th of November 1966 the date that city of Patras celebrates its protector Saint Andrew. For that reason the emblem of the University is the X cross where St. Andrews was crucified on.
In the beginning the administration of the University was given to a Management Committee. The main purpose of this committee was to organise the departments of the University, to determine their operating procedures and to supervise the formation of the organizing structure of the University. The first Management Committee was appointed in the 9th of January 1965 having its chair in Athens. After a short period of time though the chair of the Committee was transferred in Patras. This Committee stop functioning on 1974, when new laws concerning the administration of the Universities were established and for that reason the first Senate of the University of Patras was elected by the body of the professors of the University of Patras. The senate serviced the University for a year.
Up to date during the 43 years of the operation of the University of Patras many commendable academics became members of the Rectorate Authorities of the University of Patras. Today the University of Patras remains one of the best known Universities in Greece with great reputation among the International and European Scientific community, that justifies the vision and mission of its establishment.

The University of Patras was founded in the city of Patras in 11th of November in1964 as a self-administered academic institution under the supervision of the Greek Government. It was established primarily with the intention to concentrate on science, technology, economics, business administration and social sciences.
In the proposal for a new University, which was the result of an International Conference in August 1964, it is stated that the role of the University of Patras is to set an example of a highly qualified Institution of higher learning, serve as a stimulus for the modernisation of the entire Greek higher education system, with priority given to the fields where highly trained personnel will be needed for the realisation of the economic development of the country. The above objectives had, in the course of time, to be adapted to new prospects arising from the recognition of the role of knowledge and technology in social and cultural growth and the contribution the University is expected to make towards solving major regional, national and even international problems.
The opening of the University of Patras took place in the 30th of November 1966 the date that city of Patras celebrates its protector Saint Andrew. For that reason the emblem of the University is the X cross where St. Andrews was crucified on.
In the beginning the administration of the University was given to a Management Committee. The main purpose of this committee was to organise the departments of the University, to determine their operating procedures and to supervise the formation of the organizing structure of the University. The first Management Committee was appointed in the 9th of January 1965 having its chair in Athens. After a short period of time though the chair of the Committee was transferred in Patras. This Committee stop functioning on 1974, when new laws concerning the administration of the Universities were established and for that reason the first Senate of the University of Patras was elected by the body of the professors of the University of Patras. The senate serviced the University for a year.
Up to date during the 43 years of the operation of the University of Patras many commendable academics became members of the Rectorate Authorities of the University of Patras. Today the University of Patras remains one of the best known Universities in Greece with great reputation among the International and European Scientific community, that justifies the vision and mission of its establishment.




Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo
Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale

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